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无人驾驶技术出现首个命案 美国宣布调查特斯拉

时间:2024-05-01 06:42编辑:admin来源:开元ky227在线下载当前位置:主页 > 开元ky227在线下载花卉大全 > 水生植物 >
本文摘要:US authorities are investigating the first death potentially caused by self-driving technology.美国当局正在调查有可能由无人驾驶技术引发的首例丧生案件。


US authorities are investigating the first death potentially caused by self-driving technology.美国当局正在调查有可能由无人驾驶技术引发的首例丧生案件。The driver of a Tesla car died in Florida in May after colliding with a lorry. Under scrutiny is Teslas Autopilot feature, which automatically changes lanes and reacts to traffic.这辆特斯拉汽车的司机于今年五月在与一辆货车撞后丧生。受到审查的是特斯拉的autopilot功能,它可以自动转变车道并对交通状况作出反应。In a statement, Tesla said it appeared the Model S car was unable to recognise the white side of the tractor trailer against a brightly lit sky that had driven across the cars path. The company said the crash was a tragic loss.在一份声明中,特斯拉公司回应,这辆Model S型号的汽车没需要辨识出有从其车道上摆摊的“暗淡天光下拖拉机挂车的白边”。

该公司称之为,该事故是一个“悲伤的损失”。The collision led to the death of Tesla driver Joshua Brown, 40. The driver of the truck, which was pulling a trailer, was unhurt.此次撞造成了现年40岁的特斯拉司机约书亚·布朗的丧生。而卡车的司机当时机车着挂车,没伤势。A video on YouTube, which appears to have been posted by Mr Brown, shows a dashboard camera recording of a previous incident, with the car steering to avoid a lorry in the next lane.根据布朗先生此前公布到Youtube上的一个视频表明,车载摄像机记录了之前的一次事件,该车正在逃离旁边车道行经的货车。

He wrote: Tesla Model S autopilot saved the car autonomously from a side collision from a boom lift truck. Hands down the best car I have ever owned and use it to its full extent. It has done many, many amazing things, but this was one of the more interesting things caught on the dashcam.他写到:“特斯拉Model S型号汽车的autopilot可以自动让该车防止与一辆动臂升降车撞。毫无疑问这是我享有的最差的车,我在充份地用于它。它做到了很多很多不可思议的事情,不过这是车载摄像机拍下的更加有意思的事情之一。





